

The Future is Fiction: How Sci-Fi Shapes the UX of Tomorrow

Ecaterina Nastas - Senior UX Designer @ CodeCrafters by BT

Conference hall

14th November, 13:00-13:30

From holograms to brain-computer interfaces, sci-fi has a knack for predicting the future of technology. What once seemed like wild speculation is now influencing how we design the digital world. The line between fiction and reality is blurring, and who knows—your next UX project might just be inspired by a galaxy far, far away!

Ecaterina Nastas

CodeCrafters by BT

I am passionate about User Experience, Design, and Psychology. With my multidisciplinary skillset, I can integrate creativity with technical and business expertise. The experience in psychology helps me understand and perceive human nature and behavior better and thus, create designs that are human-centered.

I like to create great designs and for every design, I try to follow Milton Glaser's quote: “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”