

Networking Paradigms in Counter Strike’s Subtick System

Victor Motogna - Head of Web Development @ Wolfpack Digital

Europa room

13th November, 15:45-16:15

This talk dives into the complexities of networking paradigms used to achieve real-time accuracy, exploring how Counter Strike system design handles synchronization, client-server interaction, and predictive algorithms, to achieve millisecond precision. We’ll connect these principles to best practices in DevOps, web development and others, but also looking into the potential drawbacks of such systems.

Victor Motogna

Wolfpack Digital

I am a Computer Science bachelor graduate and High Performance Computing & BigData masters graduate. I also am the Head of Web @ Wolfack Digital, while also contributing as a Ruby on Rails & Vue/Nuxt JS developer.

I am working towards building more projects, applications and make the world a better place through tech solutions, as I am all into entrepreneurship, development and education.