

Design Systems - Consistency in your frontend

Rareş-Valer Coantă - Full-stack developer @ CodeCrafters by BT

Conference Hall

14th November, 16:15-16:45

Consistency is the key of a well crafted application. When it comes to web-based apps, to ensure this quality, it is crucial to offer the user a streamlined experience across a wide range of platforms, so this element becomes even more important. Let’s see how design systems can help us ensure the quality of our projects and how they can boost the usability, the accessibility, and the maintainability of our applications!

Rareş-Valer Coantă

CodeCrafters by BT

Rareș is a determined Expert Full-Stack developer with a passion for innovation in the field of web applications and a drive towards discovering new ways of making the web as user friendly and as accessible as possible. As a proud Code Crafter, he strives for code that is both resilient and efficient, always searching for new ways of making software better. Today, Rareș will share with you one of his topics of interest, Micro Frontends, and will help you gain an insight into how to better use them.